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Will Online Gambling Affect Mortgage Application

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It probably won't surprise you that gambling and mortgages generally don't mix well. When a bank lends you money for a mortgage loan, it means they trust you will be able to pay it back. However, if they see that you're an active gambler, then this may go against your application.

Re: Does extensive gambling affect mortgage application? I write poker software (HUD's and Trackers) and have software listed on both and (and some that is banned). I personally know quite a few people who play for an income. The fact that you like to gamble may not necessarily be the sole reason why a lender rejects your application – that will depend on the type of gambling you indulge in, the severity of your habits, whether you're a professional gambler or just gamble recreationally, and the mortgage lending criteria.

However, it is important to note that there is a difference between those who gamble large amounts of money on a regular basis (including those who are professional gamblers), compared to those who put a small bet on every now and then.

How will gambling affect my mortgage application?

If you're a professional gambler and you want to use your winnings as evidence that you can afford to take out a mortgage, the banks see this as being a lot riskier than someone who has a job and gambles occasionally, so you may come across a few challenges. However, being a professional gambler and getting a mortgage isn't impossible. Some lenders who are willing to lend you the money might alleviate this risk by increasing the interest rate and only lending a small amount of money.

You may argue that professional gambling is no greater risk than being self-employed…but lenders see it differently. Gambling is deemed more of a risk than being self-employed especially if there is no trace of regular savings but a build-up of debt instead.

You need to be aware that if you're a professional gambler, this activity is seen as a risk and could result in your mortgage application being declined.


When won't gambling affect a mortgage application?

Georgian downs casino hours nyc. When lenders conduct their affordability checks, they will look at your bank statements from the previous 3-6 months. This means that any gambling during this period will be seen by your potential lender. The primary concern of the lender is that you aren't getting yourself into debt by funding your gambling. If you're gambling using your own money and you're not in any debt, then this is unlikely to have an impact on your mortgage application.

If you only put the odd bet on here and there, you won't need to worry about gambling affecting your mortgage application. However, it is important to be mindful, if your finances begin due to betting, then this may begin to affect things.

How to get mortgage approved

If you do gamble and you're worried whether you can get a mortgage, you could try the following things to help improve your situation and get yourself mortgage ready:

  1. Clear your debts - Clearing off any debt shows that you're responsible when it comes to your finances.
  2. Make regular savings- If you can evidence that you have a savings account that you regularly pay into, the lender will see you as a low-risk borrower.
  3. Good credit history- Work on your credit score if required. Having a good credit history improves your chances of getting a mortgage.
  4. Stop gambling- The most obvious, but this can only happen if you want to stop.

Will Online Gambling Affect Mortgage Application Online

Get the right mortgage advice


Booking an appointment with a mortgage broker can help you get the advice you need to get yourself onto the property ladder. Your broker will be able to address any queries you may have about your spending habits.

At Mortgage Advice Bureau, we deal with people from all walks of life and we do not judge anyone's personal circumstances - we are simply here to help.

Get help for your gambling addiction

If you've previously been refused a mortgage due to gambling, then it may be the right time to seek advice. Visit the GambleAware website for help with a gambling addiction

For further information call: 0800 652 6649

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Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.

There will be a fee for mortgage advice. The actual amount you pay will depend upon your circumstances.

The fee is up to 1% but a typical fee is 0.3% of the amount borrowed.

Qualifying for a mortgage involves: an acceptable credit score, sufficient assets and stable income. These are to show you can support a mortgage payment, plus other liabilities. You must have a balance of all three to successfully qualify for financing. The following is what you must know when trying to qualify with 'paper losses' on tax returns.

There are two types of mortgages. W-2 wage earners and self-employed individuals. Sometimes you can do both, but most of the time it is one or the other. A W-2 wage earner is someone that has no interest in the company in any capacity, does not have control over their income and subsequently has more stable income. Lenders are also usually able to qualify a W-2 wage earner more easily. That's not to say if you are self-employed you can't secure financing, but being a W-2 individual does make it easier. Self-employed individuals are either soul-proprietors or have ownership interest in some sort of business entity.

Here is where things can get tricky:

Will online gambling affect mortgage application online

When won't gambling affect a mortgage application?

Georgian downs casino hours nyc. When lenders conduct their affordability checks, they will look at your bank statements from the previous 3-6 months. This means that any gambling during this period will be seen by your potential lender. The primary concern of the lender is that you aren't getting yourself into debt by funding your gambling. If you're gambling using your own money and you're not in any debt, then this is unlikely to have an impact on your mortgage application.

If you only put the odd bet on here and there, you won't need to worry about gambling affecting your mortgage application. However, it is important to be mindful, if your finances begin due to betting, then this may begin to affect things.

How to get mortgage approved

If you do gamble and you're worried whether you can get a mortgage, you could try the following things to help improve your situation and get yourself mortgage ready:

  1. Clear your debts - Clearing off any debt shows that you're responsible when it comes to your finances.
  2. Make regular savings- If you can evidence that you have a savings account that you regularly pay into, the lender will see you as a low-risk borrower.
  3. Good credit history- Work on your credit score if required. Having a good credit history improves your chances of getting a mortgage.
  4. Stop gambling- The most obvious, but this can only happen if you want to stop.

Will Online Gambling Affect Mortgage Application Online

Get the right mortgage advice

Booking an appointment with a mortgage broker can help you get the advice you need to get yourself onto the property ladder. Your broker will be able to address any queries you may have about your spending habits.

At Mortgage Advice Bureau, we deal with people from all walks of life and we do not judge anyone's personal circumstances - we are simply here to help.

Get help for your gambling addiction

If you've previously been refused a mortgage due to gambling, then it may be the right time to seek advice. Visit the GambleAware website for help with a gambling addiction

For further information call: 0800 652 6649

Email: or visit:

Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.

There will be a fee for mortgage advice. The actual amount you pay will depend upon your circumstances.

The fee is up to 1% but a typical fee is 0.3% of the amount borrowed.

Qualifying for a mortgage involves: an acceptable credit score, sufficient assets and stable income. These are to show you can support a mortgage payment, plus other liabilities. You must have a balance of all three to successfully qualify for financing. The following is what you must know when trying to qualify with 'paper losses' on tax returns.

There are two types of mortgages. W-2 wage earners and self-employed individuals. Sometimes you can do both, but most of the time it is one or the other. A W-2 wage earner is someone that has no interest in the company in any capacity, does not have control over their income and subsequently has more stable income. Lenders are also usually able to qualify a W-2 wage earner more easily. That's not to say if you are self-employed you can't secure financing, but being a W-2 individual does make it easier. Self-employed individuals are either soul-proprietors or have ownership interest in some sort of business entity.

Here is where things can get tricky:

  • Rental Income Losses – On almost every mortgage loan application this can come back to bite the borrower. This is because rental losses, usually, represent more expenses going out than there is revenue to cover the property. Lenders use a special Fannie Mae formula, which in most instances, next to losses look even worse. This is because the expenses are added back into the mortgage payment, then deducted from it over a 24-month period.

It is important to note: When purchasing a rental for the first time, some lenders will use an exception basis. The exception they are going to us is 75% of the projected market rentals. This is to help offset the mortgage payment as long as you are specifically purchasing a rental property.

  • Schedule C – This is a biggie. No one wants to pay an excess amount of taxes, especially self-employed individuals. You may be aware taxation is higher for self-employed individuals. So it goes without saying: every accountant wants to be a hero by saving you money when helping with your tax returns. They are doing this, but at the expense of your refinancing or buying a home. Writing off all your expenses, or worse, showing negative income means the lender literally has negative income to offset a proposed mortgage payment. Even if you own a home already, have excellent credit and have an impeccable payment history, it does not matter. The income on paper is what lenders look at. For short CCI, which is Cash, Credit and Income.
  • Entity Losses – The following scenario is a common one where a borrower pays themselves a W-2 wage along with a paystub, at the expense of bleeding the company dry. This will become problematic, because there almost certainly will be lower income figures. The same income figures the borrower is trying to qualify with. It does not work. Consult your tax professional.

In short any negative income being reported on personal and/or corporate tax returns, will hurt your chances of qualifying for financing. As a result, one of these may be an offset, but they are not limited to the following:

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  • Waiting until the following year – Depending on the severity of how much income loss there is, you may need to do a two-in-one. This means showing two years of income in one year. This is to offset the two year averaging lenders use when calculating your income.
  • Changing loan programs – This could be an array of different things, but it may mean going from a Conventional mortgage to a FHA mortgage for example.
  • Investigating more – You might need to put more money down to purchase a home than you otherwise thought. You would do this if your income is lower than what your purchase price expectations are.
  • Paying off debt – Depending on your financial scenario, paying off consumer obligations is always a smart and healthy approach. Even if it requires some of your cash. Getting rid of a credit card at 11% with a payment at $200 a month may help.

Will Online Gambling Affect Mortgage Application Approval

What should you do if you know you want to qualify for financing and you currently have tax returns that contain losses? First and foremost, consult with your tax professional. Learn what your options are directly from the source. Once armed with those options, talk to a lender skilled enough to help you understand how much financial power you may have in the marketplace.

Looking to get a mortgage? Get a fast free quote now.

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